400字相关作文:《我的家庭》400字英语作文范文内容如下:   I have a big family. There are four people in my family: my mother, my father, my younger brother and me. Oh, there is also a dog named Buddy lives with us. My mother is a Chinese teacher, and my father is a lawyer. My little brother and I go to the same school. On weekday, my father sends us to school; while mother help us with our homework. My favorite thing is to play with our dog, Buddy. If we have enough time, we will take him for a walk. I love my family. 中学生写作指导、写作素材、优秀作文以及有奖活动 尽在“作文网”微信公众号 《我的家庭》400字英语作文内容来源于网络,剑花作文网仅作公益范文演示,版权归《我的家庭》400字英语作文原作者所有,如有不妥,请联系站长删除处理